“Be a Boundary Crosser” – Bartlett 2024

By Jen Myers

Ten of the students graduating 8th grade and moving on from the Bartlett Community Partnership School have been attending the Bartlett since Pre K. That is a REALLY long time when you are only 14 years old.

One of those students, Jaidyn Rodriguez, read a poem she wrote about her time at the Bartlett titled “Walking the Stage” at Monday night’s Moving-On Ceremony.

The ceremony was a time for all 52 Bartlett graduates, their teachers, and families to reflect on their time at the school, while preparing for the next adventures in high school. Former Principal Peter Holtz even came back to wish the students he had known for so long well in their future endeavors.

One of the benefits of being a K-8 school is the highlight reel includes photos from as far back as their Pre K and Kindergarten years. Students who have been at the school since Pre K were given samples of their work from that time as a kind of time capsule keepsake at graduation.

Mathew McLean, finishing up his first year as Principal at the Bartlett, left the students with some advice they can take with them to high school and beyond.
McLean introduced the crowd of students, staff, and family to “Portrait of a Graduate,” a program Lowell High School and Lowell Public Schools has been a part of that looks to build the portrait of a graduate from what the community sees as the skills a modern-day high school graduate should have.

“The mission is that Lowell Public School graduates will be strong of mind, heart, spirit, and skill so they are prepared to engage and lead with others to make positive change for a more equitable world,” said McLean, adding that the program is built on 6 tenants – mind, heart, spirit, skill, leadership, and network.
It was “Network” that he wanted to focus on in preparing the graduates for the future.

“You can’t do this alone. You need help. You need people on your side. You want to build a network – allies,” he said. “Be a boundary crosser. You have groups, you have friends, but you want to break out you want to see other groups as opportunities. The more people you meet, the more people you connect with and build positive relationships with – it’s going to pay off.”

Congratulations Bartlett Dragons!

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